Scapple scrivener
Scapple scrivener

You can change the style of borders, lines, arrows, and every single note with an Inspector. Notes can be “stacked” to connect a note with another one, simply drop the source onto the destination.

scapple scrivener

The app is easily navigable with either the cursor or the keyboard you can create a new note with a double-click anywhere on the canvas, and you can select notes as you would with multiple files in the Finder. The app is clearly in beta and not finished, but I’m seeing some interesting ideas already. And it’s designed to make the whole process just as quick and fluid as it is on paper. Scapple allows you to get all of your ideas down, move them around, and find and make the connections as you go along. Individual notes can be as short or as long as you like. Instead, you are free to write anywhere on the virtual paper. It doesn’t expect you to start out with one central idea and branch everything else off that.

scapple scrivener


There is a veritable panoply of mind-mapping software out there, but what’s different about Scapple is that it doesn’t force you to make connections. Featuring a clean canvas to write notes and draw connections, Scapple’s focus is on not forcing users to maintain a hierarchical structure of the document. Developed by Literature and Latte – the creators of Scrivener – Scapple is a new “mind-mapping” app for OS X that has been released as public beta on the developers’ forums.

Scapple scrivener