Ftl best ship
Ftl best ship

That’s 75 scrap spent on safety before I start saving for a weapon. Opening with the weapons buffer leads me into a shields buffer, and then into shields-4. In sectors 1 and 2, I generally want shields more than I want another weapon online. Weapons-3 potentially lets you use another weapon, but only when you find or buy one. The other big difference is what they prepare you for. A weapons buffer helps stop enemies getting away, but a shields buffer makes run-ending disasters less likely. Weapons-3 plays a similar role to shields-3, with a few differences. It’s hard to be sure what is correct, but I think the shield upgrades are safer overall. This presents a choice: do you spend 25 scrap upgrading weapons before shields? They also can have trouble with enemies getting away. These ships start with both shields and weapons-2.

ftl best ship

Other strategies Weapons bufferĬonsider Kestrel C, Federation A and B, and Slug C. When you enter sector 3, you can face enemies with two offensive drones. A good question to ask yourself might be, “if an early store had a Chain Laser, would I buy it?”Įven on Zoltan ships, beware delaying shields for too long. If you’re only in the market for top-tier weapons, it’s probably incorrect to delay shield upgrades.

#Ftl best ship full#

Rock A need only float 18 scrap to afford even a teleporter, but Kestrel A would need to float 80 for hacking or a full choice of weapons. When a ship has more stuff to sell, visiting early stores is more worthwhile and does not delay your shields as much. Rock A needs to solve its missile problem fast. When a ship urgently needs extra offence, delaying shield upgrades is more worthwhile. Kestrel A and Rock A are a little safer, because they start with two-point weapons buffers for the Artemis. For example, Zoltan C is a lot safer because it starts with a Zoltan Shield and fast offence. When a ship starts with strong defence or offence, delaying shield upgrades is less risky. These concerns often compete with each other. Some ships are more desperate for additional offence. The biggest factor is what ship you are playing. It knows nothing of mercy, neither of fairness, nor yet charity and in its lifeless eyes, the noble pursuit of win streaks is but a guttering candle, soon to be extinguished. The shield hack drone is out there, waiting for you. In most circumstances - but not all, and it depends on the ship - I think it’s incorrect to delay shield upgrades more than a few jumps. Or you could wait for a store at the end of sector 1 or early sector 2. You could delay just a few jumps, because you are circling around a store in the middle of the sector. You can also choose how long you delay them. Get shields-3 immediately, but delay shields-4.A bad layout in sector 2 could prevent you from finding any stores, or the stores might sell nothing useful.įor that reason, it’s sometimes worth delaying your shield upgrades. This strategy has a downside: it may stop you buying a weapon or system in a sector 1 store. Power can come later, after saving for a weapon. Having two shields makes you much safer in sectors 1 and 2. Most of the time, you can get away without this but it only takes one nasty fight where you lose 20 hull to make you appreciate the value of shields-3.ĭon’t wait on power before buying shields-4.

ftl best ship

Shields-3 provides a damage buffer, so your shield will not go down from (say) a Leto.

  • Then save for a weapon, or other offence.
  • Prefer 1- or 2-power weapons that you can get online quickly. Ideally I like to start with a good weapon, then add hacking a bit later. “Offence” at this stage usually means a weapon, but it could be hacking, mind control, teleporter, or a combat drone.
  • Offence that works well against two-shield enemies.
  • To be “safe”, you need two things as soon as possible: To win consistently, you must play as “safely” as possible and get through the dangerous early game in good shape. Twinge, mekloz, Thomas Pettersson, Billy Kirby, chewbacca77, lifesaburrito, Crowrevell, Farb, Masala, Threarah, Hexagon, Scott Onesie Wilson, DiscordDraconequus, neozar, Ray Robertson, mathchamp93 I don’t want to clutter the guide with attributions, so I’ll just mention the people I’ve learned most from, or had the most interesting conversations with.

    ftl best ship

    My perspective here is wanting to win consistently on Hard, but most advice applies on lower difficulties too. You may want to ignore them, depending on your skill level and how you prefer to play. Some tips are tiny optimisations that rarely matter. This guide contains all kinds of tips, from basic strategy to extremely advanced micro.

    Ftl best ship